The Ultimate Launch Planning Guide
As a biz owner or solopreneur, you’re always launching something – a new product, course, program, or even a new website.
That means you’re always figuring out how to get your ideas out of your head, into the market, and before the people who’d most benefit from them.
The Ultimate Launch Planning Guide is a combination of video lessons and digital workbook that takes the mystery out of launching your ideas and answers all your pressing launch questions.
No more winging it. No making things up as you go. No stress, confusion, or formulas. This guide is packed with invaluable insights and takes you step-by-step through planning your launch.
Don’t just take my word for it…
– RM Harrison | Clarity Junkie + Creator of Clear the Runway
What's Included?
60+ Page Fillable PDF Workbook
The workbook contains planners, checklists, and tracking sheets to organize your launch plans. Plus, advice on creating launch emails and social media shares, and an easy-to-follow guide for writing your all-important sales page.
(You get two downloads: the full guide and the handouts only.)
You'll need a PDF reader like Adobe Acrobat to access the workbook.
What’s covered in each lesson?
Lesson One: Before You Create. Picking the right idea to launch. Making your idea stand out. Using opt-in pages and pre-orders to validate interest in an idea. How to run a beta test, questions to ask beta testers, and how to use test feedback.
Lesson Two: Launch Basics. Factors that influence launch outcomes and how you can strengthen each factor prior to launching. What launch success looks like and 2 things every launch should accomplish. Plus, 12 launch mistakes to avoid.
Lesson Three: Pre-Launch Planning. Setting launch goals and dates/deadlines. Getting the word out and using affiliates. Step-by-step sales page tips and recommended launch tools and resources. A comprehensive planner for your launch details.
Lesson Four: It’s Launch Time. The doors are open and your launch is under way. What exactly should you be doing with yourself? What stats should you track? And, most importantly, how do you course correct if it’s not going well?
Lesson Five: After the Launch. Whew! You made it through! Now what? In this lesson you’ll learn key things to do after every launch, including what should happen with your sales page.
Notice Regarding Updates
Your purchase of the Ultimate Launch Planning Guide comes with free lifetime updates. So, any time I revise or expand it, the new version will be made available to you via Gumroad at no extra cost.